The uni says we have a week's holiday... YEAH RIGHT!!! we are still working our butts off but just not going to classes. There is certainly no holiday! Its not long though and the group work, unit plans and exams will be finished and then we can relax for a few months!
Krystyl came over on the weekend to help me tidy and clean. She is such a wonderful young woman. We are getting on so well now. I feel like we are more friends than mum and daughter. I felt really chuffed because she chose to spend the weekend with me instead of her friends. We went back to her house to have Tacos and watch a dvd. Krystyl even wanted me to sleep in her new bed. Its been a very long time since we shared a bed. Krystyl said she woke up early in the morning and Gypsy (my dog) was laying on her back in the middle between Krystyl and I. She had her little paws up and looking so cute. She was sound asleep.
It was the best weekend I have ever had for such a long time. I felt so loved by her and so blessed to have her as my daughter.

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