Yes it was! Had a Sose tute with Lisa Slender. She is a great tutor! Then went and bought the HPE text book pack. It has a pedometre so put that on. Im not sure how accurate it is but really, who cares! Then after we had something to eat we (Megan, Janet and I) drove over in Janet's car to Mt Gravatt to attend our HPE classes. It was really good. Im glad I had someone to go with tho because it is a huge campus and well I wouldnt have known where to go! My gosh it is hilly tho, it just about killed me with my asthma getting up the hill! The first hour we did some theory with the tutor Maria. Then we went down to the Practical part and did some running around. The tutor was great at teaching us. He is very easy going and made the whole time fun.
The class finished at 4pm so by the time I actually got home it was 4.30pm. The Autism Qld bus was waiting for me with Reuben in the bus. I really wasnt sure what was going on. Apparently, there had been some trouble so they stayed with him. I am hoping that tomorrow I will find out more.
Tonight I watched:
I am Earl. I love that show!
24. I forgot to watch it last night!!! damn it!!
Krystyl came over for dinner. We had my special - sausage tomato and onion with rice! We all love this dish.
Thats it for tonight!

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