Then she washed my car and her car. At midday we went to Gail's for lunch with the group for Christmas in July. Yummo.
It was a wonderfully relaxing day! Yesterday afternoon was so different with Steve's shaningans with Krystyl. I cant (I really can!) believe he did what he did... smashing Krystyl's desk, kicking her car door and hurting her physically. Thank god Krystyl rang the police and thank god they came! I think someone from the units had rung them also, 2 police cars and 4 police officers arrived. Of course, steve lied... saying that he tripped down the stairs and it broke. OMG!!! Krystyl has taken a DVO out on him. Of course he was so nice when the police were there however, they told him to calm down. They took him to watch house after we left so they could do the paper work. He brought Krystyl's dvd player over today and hardly said a word. I hope he has a reality check and gets some help for his aggression and anger. Reuben was there also when all this was happening and was scared. He was holding onto Krystyl. It was actually Steve's weekend with Reuben but Reuben came home with me. Im not sure if Reuben will be going back. He just doesnt feel safe there and to tell you the truth, I dont feel that its that safe for him too.
This has reinforced my decision for Reuben to be with me here. I know I have made the right decision.
Big Brother Update: Max and David have been evicted. Camilla and Jamie are left... Monday it is all over red rover!
bye for now!