How am I coping??? in two words... musk sticks!!! Today I am eating musk sticks!!! Its a no no for me... but hey... a melt down or musk sticks... gee... let me think about it... ok... I will eat the musk sticks!!! LOL
Laminator!!! Mum bought me an A3 laminator today for my birthday... well its not my birthday yet... thats in June... but I need it now and she thought its a great pressie! So do I! So thanks mum for a wonderfully very useful pressie!!!
Headache !!! Yep I have one! Life? nope... cant seem to see the one I was developing in the holidays!!! Just uni uni uni! But thats ok... not too much longer... only 5 more semesters to go (not including this one!).
Mess! Yep I have one of those too. You should see my dining table!!! (well no you really shouldnt!!!!) Where do we have dinner... well its a very refined balancing act... put this pile of stuff here while we have dinner... put that pile of stuff back after dinner!!! I need a bigger house... I need more money!!!! I need... I need... really nothing!!!
My musk stick quote for today is:
Harold Kushner:
What cannot be achieved in one lifetime will happen when one lifetime is joined to another.

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