The Postman Arrived!!!!
I have won 2 free tickets to see When a Stranger Calls. Hopefully, I will get to see it on the weekend.
I have a lot of studying this week... exam on tuesday afternoon at 4pm... then one on Friday for English that is worth 40% or our marks. That one is freaky as there is so much to know!!!
I just need a break!!!
Friday, March 31, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Anton the Cat!!!

Life is Full ON!!!

How am I coping??? in two words... musk sticks!!! Today I am eating musk sticks!!! Its a no no for me... but hey... a melt down or musk sticks... gee... let me think about it... ok... I will eat the musk sticks!!! LOL
Laminator!!! Mum bought me an A3 laminator today for my birthday... well its not my birthday yet... thats in June... but I need it now and she thought its a great pressie! So do I! So thanks mum for a wonderfully very useful pressie!!!
Headache !!! Yep I have one! Life? nope... cant seem to see the one I was developing in the holidays!!! Just uni uni uni! But thats ok... not too much longer... only 5 more semesters to go (not including this one!).
Mess! Yep I have one of those too. You should see my dining table!!! (well no you really shouldnt!!!!) Where do we have dinner... well its a very refined balancing act... put this pile of stuff here while we have dinner... put that pile of stuff back after dinner!!! I need a bigger house... I need more money!!!! I need... I need... really nothing!!!
My musk stick quote for today is:
Harold Kushner:
What cannot be achieved in one lifetime will happen when one lifetime is joined to another.

Sunday, March 05, 2006
Saturday Night with Friends

The night ended with us having a delicious cup of tea and biscuits (and cheesecake that I couldnt eat - thanks for that Barb!!!! LOL). There are times that I really hate being lactose intolerant. Doris and Allison are great that way, they go out of their way to help me. They buy soy custard or use my milk in things. Last night Doris made the dip without sour cream so I could have it. Things like that show you how much people care.
Talking about how much people care... Doris gave me a pressie last night. I was really taken back as I wasnt expecting it. Doris handed me a wrapped pressie (I saw it on the table but thought it was for Ally as its her birthday on Wednesday). Doris told me it was because she knew I needed a pick up and also to celebrate my divorce (which didnt go thru because I didnt attend!!! but thats another blog!!!). Oh yeah, the pressie: a stylish laptop shoulder bag. Very exciting and very needed!!!! Its not the gift that shows love... its that Doris took the time to think about me. Sitting here, I feel for the first time in my life that people really do care about me. I really do love these people and feel honoured to call them my friends. Anyway, enough of the teary stuff... FRIENDS... thank god you found me!
Quote for today: "A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more."- Sent by Jasmine Fitzwilliam

Saturday, March 04, 2006
Rain Rain Go Away!

Week ONE...

Asthma... last saturday night I woke coughing and thought "GOD NO!!!!!!" but yes it was asthma!!! I dont know if it is the stress of going back to uni, and continued lack of money or going to the club on the friday night. Perhaps all three??? I certainly wont be going back to the club to find out... well not until they have the complete no smoking.
Walking... no walking this week due to the asthma and rain. We have had so much rain but apparently it hasnt touched the dams. Bloody mother nature needs to take a chill pill I think!!!!!
Mum bought me a new LG fridge. I am the gadget queen so I had to have the one that has the ice cube tray that you swivel and the ice cubes fall out into the bucket. Very cool!!! ICY cool infact!
Reuben: has been a typical teenager this week. He has sneaked my laptop into his room and sneaked his PSP from his dad's. His mouth continues to unload unnecessary words... which he gets a consequence for. On the upside... he hasnt been suspended from school so far this term. This teen Reuben makes me question everything about parenting especially if I really want this job anymore!!! Not that I can just quit! If only it was that easy.
Krystyl: well, I really dont know what is going on with her. She is going through something she doesnt want to share with me. I really dont know what to about it.
Quote of the day: You're alive. Do something. The directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. It sounded like this: Look. Listen. Choose. Act.Barbara Hall, A Summons to New Orleans, 2000
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