Tuesday, July 29, 2008
First Day for Last Semester

Friday, July 25, 2008
What is a WIDGET?
Here it is from Wikipedia... Im not sure if this really helps though...
Widget may refer to:
Widget (economics), a placeholder name for an object or, more specifically, a mechanical or other manufactured device
Widget (beer), a coil-like device placed in the bottom of cans and bottles of beer to aid in the generation of froth
Widget (comics), a character in Marvel Comics
Widget (TV series), a 1990s animated television series
nickname of the New York World Journal Tribune, a defunct newspaper
In computing, the term has become frequently used to refer to objects on a computer screen the user interacts with:
GUI widget, a component of a graphical user interface with which a user interacts
Widget toolkit, a software library containing a collection of GUI widgets that collaborate when used in the construction of applications
Web widget, a physically-inspired applet on the web
Widget engine, a software system for running applets on the web, desktop or mobile phone
Friday, July 18, 2008
Get Smart - My Review
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Mamma Mia! The Movie Trailer (2008) - Great Quality!
I love this movie!!! I love the songs!!! Who could have known over 30 years ago... ABBA would live on into a movie!!!
Mamma Mia - my review
Yesterday, Tuesday 15th I went and saw this movie with Janet Roff, my uni mate. At first, I didnt think we were going to even meet up. A digger on the Gold Coast dug up an Optus cable and severed it. All Optus and 3 mobiles were affected!!! Janet walked around and I walk around hoping we would find each other... and we did!!! Phew that was so lucky!
This was a great feel good movie! For some reason I didnt expect that there would be singing right through the movie... I loved it! I wanted to get up and dance around especially when Dancing Queen was playing! Meryl Streep was excellent!!! However, Pierce Brosnan cant sing for anything!!! All in all, it was an excellent movie!!! I give it 8/10 and 10/10 for the ABBA music!!!!
This is a movie I will be adding to my dvd collection!
ABBA rocks!!!

A scene singing Dancing Queen... they then romp off to the pier.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Rob Thomas - Now Comes The Night (studio)
A truly beautiful song! Its really worth the time listening to. It was played at a Serbian 1 year memorial I recently went to. Brad's best friend's sister, Alex was being prayed for and remembered. I didnt know Alex, but I wish I had. From what I have been told about Alex, I think the world has been robbed of an awesome and loving woman! She was in her 40s, taken way too early! She died about a month before Brad and I met. Alex you will not be alone. Alex you will not be forgotten.
Penny Black stamps to die for!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
What I wanted to be when I grew up...
The Kim of today would have said, "well, I'm going to check that out!!!" The other thing that is sad is that I didnt believe in myself... I didnt believe that I could apply myself and get there! Now that is sad.
It has taken me 20 years to learn to believe in myself. I had to go through many relationship break ups, an abusive marriage, a difficult up brining and the loss of a child to find myself, to believe in myself... to know myself! I still have such a long way to go... but Im getting there! I graduate at the end of the year. I will be a teacher! Not just a teacher, a woman who will inspire young people to never stop dreaming! To never stop believing in themselves. To never give up!
Anton is not happy!
Anton was put outside yesterday... this is where he decided to sleep. He wouldn't acknowledge me at all when I spoke to him. He was not happy!

Gyppy in July

I took about 10 photos to get these two photos. She kept moving just when I thought it was a great photo but we finally got there! I was sitting on a step below her and all she wanted to do was sit one my lap!
I love seeing her with her ears up. I cant believe Gyppy is 9 now but when we go for walks she doesnt want to go too far, she is like her mum, built for comfort not for distance (speed). I cant believe how white she is getting around her face. She is the sweetest little dog. The older she gets the more her darling personality comes through. I was so proud of her the other day. While out for a walk 3 children came past and she didnt get scared, she just kept walking with her ears and tail up! I guess she is a bit like a human, the older we get the more confident we are in our skin (fur)!!!
New PJs

ABBA - Tiger
This song reminds me of an eight year old acting this song out. I would play this song on our little record player, put my long pink dress on and bunch it up in the back to look like a tiger's tail. I would watch myself dancing in the TV's reflection and pretend to be the TIGER. I loved this ABBA song!
Birthday in June means no swimming!

Monday, July 07, 2008
Serenaded by Rens
More 40th pics

A Purple 40th!!!

Gypsy's Weekend Morning Routine!!! So Spoilt!!!

she wants to be with her pack having a cup of tea. She either sits on Brad's lap or mine and pleads with her deep dark black eyes to give her some tea (or coffee), just like her humans.
She is even more intense when there is an arrowroot mentioned!
She loves her arrowroot biscuits dunked... they MUST be dunked!
The 3 B's
I love this card being made. The music is fantastic too. I love how there is no words so you get to concentrate on the card being made!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Today's Lunch...
I didnt go to the gym this morning and Im feeling tired... could be that burger too!
New Series... OZ

This is the next series that I'm interested in watching. I spotted it at JB Hi Fi when Brad and I were in there the other day. It looks interesting and with the people who created it and the actors assembled it should be awesome to watch!

Oz is an American television drama series created by Tom Fontana, who also wrote or co-wrote all of the series' 56 episodes. It was the first one-hour dramatic television series to be produced by HBO. It aired for six seasons between 1997 and 2003.
Oz is the nickname for the Oswald State Correctional Facility, a maximum-security prison of undisclosed location. Many of the plot arcs are set in Emerald City ("Em City"), an experimental unit of the prison in which the unit manager attempts to emphasize rehabilitation and learning responsibility during incarceration. Emerald City is a controlled environment where there are a limited number of members of each racial and social group.
The large ensemble cast included Rita Moreno, Ernie Hudson, Terry Kinney and Betty Buckley; later Law & Order stars Kathryn Erbe, Christopher Meloni, B. D. Wong, J. K. Simmons, Dean Winters and Kirk Acevedo; Lost stars Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje and Harold Perrineau Jr.; Dexter stars Erik King, David Zayas, and Lauren Vélez.; The Sopranos Edie Falco. Many of the actors from Oz have appeared as guest stars on The Wire, Homicide: Life on the Street, The Black Donnellys, New York Undercover, 24, Lost, the TV series Dexter, and in the various Law & Order series.
The Shield - its over!

55 things to blog!
Here they are... Im going to try and keep up with these... and have some direction... and hopefully, I will be able to scrapbook them one day next year... this year is out with uni and interview preparations. Some of them arent really relevant but I will write something to fit with it. Like... why I love my hometown... well I figure I have lived in Eagleby for 15 years... it is now my hometown... (for now!).
The Story of My Most Serious Injury
The Person I Admire Most
This Will Be My Epitaph
Why I Love My Hometown
Why I Hate My Hometown
Why I Was a Childhood Bully
How I Shop
How I Choose to Spend My Money
I Wish I Spent Less Money on This
Why I’m in My Current Job
My Ideal Job
My High School Clique
My Worst Subject in School
If I Had a Super Power
Here’s Where My Opinion Differs From the Majority
Why I Voted the Way I Did in the Last Election
Why I Don’t Vote
The Cause I Really Believe In
Why I Came To Religion
Why I Don’t Believe Anymore
Where I Find Spirituality
My First Kiss
My Worst Kiss
The First Time I Had My Heart Broken
Why I Travel
Why I Don’t Travel
My Philosophy on Raising Children
Why I Chose My University Degree
My Favourite Place on the Planet
My Greatest Sin Against the Environment
Why I Married My Spouse
My Most Hated Movie
The Book That Changed My Life
My Unexpected Mentor
I Couldn’t Live Without This Song
If I Hear This Song Again, Radio Personalities Will Suffer
I Have the Craziest Uncle Ever
Why I Believe in Luck
Why I Don’t Believe in Luck
How I Earned My Worst Karma
Where I Volunteer
Why I Don’t Volunteer
My Favourite Item of Clothing Growing Up
If This Celebrity Knocked On My Door, I’d Run Away With Them
Why I Care About Celebrities
Why I Love This Sport
Why I Hate Sports
When I’m at My Most Self-Indulgent
How To Be Selfless
My Childhood Dreams, and How I’ve Fulfilled Them
How I Learned Patience
How My Hard Work Paid Off
I’ve Never Been More Surprised in My Life
What Scares the Shit Out of Me
The Only Thing I Can Teach You
No Gravy!!! What the...!!!!

Thursday, July 03, 2008
The American Kath and Kim!!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Wii Virgin No Longer!

More photos from Montezumas!
40th Birthday Celebration at Montezumas
On the way to Montville

Queen's Birthday Long Weekend

Here we are on the Queens birthday long weekend. We had just had 2 wonderful days at Mooloolaba and had decided to go to Caloundra's beach for a walk. It was freezing and windy. We watched a para-surfer surf. We didnt stay as long as we hoped due to the temperature. Don't we look happy and in love!
June Update to a neglected blog!
Uni... well its been full on and prac was interesting. My prac teacher was an interesting woman and very eccentric. I wont be doing my prac in her classroom. Hopefully I will do it in a year 6/7 class with my prac teacher from last year.
Brad and I... well everything is going so well with us!!! Its like we were meant for each other! Its just so easy being me with him. He is so easy to be with. He is so genuine and loving. S0metimes I feel I have to pinch myself to see if its real. He took me to a wonderful resort/motel at mooloolaba for a long weekend. I was so excited. We were on the 7th floor and had a beachside view. It was fantastic.
Gym... I have started going to the gym! My goal is to lose at least 10 kgs by November. I know I will feel better for it. Not eating sugar will be the hardest to overcome... but I WILL DO IT!!!