No... not together... hell NO!
I have my passion for toasted sandwiches again. Sadly without cheese... oh cheese how I miss you!!! but with ham, tomato and onion. Very simple little combination but oh my god... how I love it!!!
I have a maths exam tomorrow at 8.30am... Oh great who was the damn MAN (a woman wouldnt be so stupid!) who had that great thought!!! Megan, Janet and I are meeting at uni very shortly to go over this wonderful content that we will probably never teacher in a classroom! Reuben is in the car ready to go... he does surprise me some days, although he does love the uni library... he loves any library! Last night he ripped pages out of the local newspaper to cut articles out. I have no idea why but if he is reading its great. If he is reading local issues even better. Last night while we were playing Phase Ten (fab card game!!!) he demanded something and then stopped and said to me, "Mum that will get me know where... I learnt that at AQ (Autism Qld). There you go... it is affecting his thinking. Thank god!!!! I know it will help him but I also know it will take a while.
Anyway, now Im off to uni... see ya later baked potato!!!!