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Well this is me right now. Juggling Reuben, uni, friends, and mum. It is a hard task. Some days I feel like walking away... well no.. actually I feel like running... bolting away!!!!
Somedays it gets all too hard. Somedays I just cant understand why some people get it so easy and others get lumped with all the crap.
Why are there so many people with out? Im sitting here feeling very sorry for myself... yet Im so lucky!!! guilt guilt guilt!!!!
Ive got a roof over my head... at least its not a cardboard box roof!!! I have quality food in my cupboard and fridge... at least my supermarket isnt the local tip!!!! My kids are difficult... but at least they are not on the streets begging or selling themselves!!!!
Really I have a lot to be thankful for! Why then do I feel like crap!!! Why do I feel like Ive been cheated in life? Why has my mum started drinking again? Why is my ex such a pathetic excuse for a human being? Why dont I have an endless source of money that I could bless my friends and family with???
So many whys and yet so little answers!!!
On the other hand...
I could ask these questions... why do I have such a great friend like Katrina? Why has Megan and her family come into my life? Why do I get caught up in guilt? Its such an unproductive emotion!!!
Now I must go and get into my uni stuff and do some more juggling... 5 assessment pieces in 2 weeks!!!
Prac - I
asked if I could do a uni on life cycles for my 3 weeks. They thought it was a great idea. I am working from the module on qsa level 3. One of the teachers (team teachering) took us aside last thursday and spent most of the day with us going thru planning, teaching, ideas etc. It was what we really needed. Before that I was beginning to get worried about it all. I feel alot more on fire now. In weeks 2 and 3 of prac we can choose anything we want for our second lesson. Im thinking of doing a few PE games... some grammar (verbs etc) a coupld of maths using the games we have just made. Oh yeah... I got full marks for my games 20 / 20. Yay!!! God knows how I will go with my maths questions!!! I know my last question was a bit dodgy!!!
EXAMS - This last week we had two exams... Tuesday 4pm we had an hour exam... 60 multichoice questions, open book... but there was little time for looking at notes or textbook. I am sceptical of how I did as the convenor told us we would need to know our readings... but didnt say that we would need to know the bloody authors' names!!!! OMG! Then friday 2pm another exam... english... we had a heap to go over. 40 multi choice, a choice of 3 to write 1 page about... and a running record to assess. I think I did ok. At least I know I passed!!! LOL
This week... I want to get started on the 4 assignments to hand in for week 9... this week coming is week 7. OMG!!!! So much to do... so little time!!!