Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Rudeness in Australia
Can you believe that Primeminster Howard is blaming TV shows for the rudeness of people in Australia. It could well be playing a part in it but honestly, does that mean that individuals arent being held responsible for their own behaviour??? Gosh, I cant believe that Howard is sprouting such disturbing rubbish. If you cant blame the parents or the individual... hey blame the tv!!!!
Tuesdays Chatter!!!
Well what a day!!!
Today, was my first day of work up at the school. My back has ached all day. I didnt realise how much standing up would affect me. I guess thats what happens when you dont work for 2 years!!!! It was great being back there. Everyone was really glad to see me and everyone that knew me asked about Reuben and Uni. It was so good. It feels so odd tho. Some teachers I have no idea who they are. I met the new principal today. He shook my hand. He brought a child in to help me as he needed to do something while he was in the office. I love working with kids. I know that I am doing the right thing. I am looking forward to becoming a teacher. Im looking forward to getting into my prac. I just hope that I get a kind and enthusiastic teacher.
Yesterday, Lauren came over to see Mum. I took Mum to the Commonwealth bank so she could open a new account. Boy that took like over an hour.
Reuben: When I arrived to pick Reuben up from school. He ran to the car, so excited that he got into Touch Footy at school. He was so happy. He asked if we could celebrate by getting a sunday at Maccas. Of course I agreed. It makes me so happy to see him so happy.
TV show watching right now: Ghost Whisperer. The first of the new series.
Fav song right now: Hung Up - Madonna.
Feeling right now: tired, exhausted and sore (back).
Right now: I am happy as I have given some directions to Reuben and although it has taken him time to do them... he hasnt yelled or swore. That is a huge positive for today.
Today, was my first day of work up at the school. My back has ached all day. I didnt realise how much standing up would affect me. I guess thats what happens when you dont work for 2 years!!!! It was great being back there. Everyone was really glad to see me and everyone that knew me asked about Reuben and Uni. It was so good. It feels so odd tho. Some teachers I have no idea who they are. I met the new principal today. He shook my hand. He brought a child in to help me as he needed to do something while he was in the office. I love working with kids. I know that I am doing the right thing. I am looking forward to becoming a teacher. Im looking forward to getting into my prac. I just hope that I get a kind and enthusiastic teacher.
Yesterday, Lauren came over to see Mum. I took Mum to the Commonwealth bank so she could open a new account. Boy that took like over an hour.
Reuben: When I arrived to pick Reuben up from school. He ran to the car, so excited that he got into Touch Footy at school. He was so happy. He asked if we could celebrate by getting a sunday at Maccas. Of course I agreed. It makes me so happy to see him so happy.
TV show watching right now: Ghost Whisperer. The first of the new series.
Fav song right now: Hung Up - Madonna.
Feeling right now: tired, exhausted and sore (back).
Right now: I am happy as I have given some directions to Reuben and although it has taken him time to do them... he hasnt yelled or swore. That is a huge positive for today.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
80s music takes me back!
Gosh how music can take you back 20 years!!! So much has happened since then. No wonder mum always said "Dont be in a hurry to grow up!" Thats all I wanted to do... was to grow up and experience life. If only I could see what was ahead... I would have stayed 16 forever. The biggest worry was tests in high school and what you were going to wear out on saturday night. I would love to go back and relive those teenage years but know what I know now. Another thing mum always said was you cant put an old head on young shoulders. I sure understand that now.
Words dont come easy to me... Fergal Sharkey. I loved that song when I was 15... and I still love it now. However, the difference now is that I really understand the lyrics more. Why are we so intelligent yet we find it so difficult to tell others how we really feel. Why do we build such high and dense walls around us? Why is it that once we are hurt by someone we build another layer onto our wall?
50 years... Uncanny Xmen. What a song hey!!! Where will we be in 50 years? Gosh I couldnt see where I would be 20 years ago. I will be 87!!!! wow thats getting old hey!!! I hope that by then I have found my soul mate. The man that is just for me. He must be out there somewhere! A friend of mine just recently told me that she is afraid of being alone forever. There are times/days I feel that way too. There are many times that I love being on my own and its that facade that I put up... down deep inside I would love to have a partner in life to share my/our life/lives. I wonder if, when it will come? I just dont trust myself with the choosing of guys... so one of my new rules is that he must pass the test of my friends interviews. If they say go for it... then I might consider him. My problem is that I have nothing to go by. My dad died when was 14. Mum hasnt had any guy that has been a good role model for me. Looking back, I have always been afraid that no one would want me so perhaps I just grabbed anything that was offered instead of making an intelligent choice. Hmmm... it really makes me think about my life. It makes me think of how much of an influence confidence in yourself plays such an important role in life choices. When you feel good about yourself, you know what you deserve and what you dont. You know where you want to go and what you want to do. Why has it taken me this long to figure it out!!!! I feel like I have been emotionally disable. It helps me realise why I have made such huge mistakes in my life.
Now I realise this... I hope that I make the right choices in future... which I already am in ways. For example, I am going to uni. When I was in year 11, one reason I dropped out was that I was so fearful of letting my mum down if I failed... well what a let down that was with dropping out!!!! Thanks to Katrina and working at the school, has helped me gain so much confidence. The teachers and principal Kathy Roman, they all helped me grow in so many ways. How do you thank them? How can you? Helping someone find confidence, personal growth, develop self esteem... its what I want to give back to my students one day. I want to help them see what they can be, what potential they have.
That is one thing I learnt last year at uni. I already knew that each child has potential... but that it is life long. That the seeds you sow now... will / should come to sprout and grow, even if it is many many years later.
Words dont come easy to me... Fergal Sharkey. I loved that song when I was 15... and I still love it now. However, the difference now is that I really understand the lyrics more. Why are we so intelligent yet we find it so difficult to tell others how we really feel. Why do we build such high and dense walls around us? Why is it that once we are hurt by someone we build another layer onto our wall?
50 years... Uncanny Xmen. What a song hey!!! Where will we be in 50 years? Gosh I couldnt see where I would be 20 years ago. I will be 87!!!! wow thats getting old hey!!! I hope that by then I have found my soul mate. The man that is just for me. He must be out there somewhere! A friend of mine just recently told me that she is afraid of being alone forever. There are times/days I feel that way too. There are many times that I love being on my own and its that facade that I put up... down deep inside I would love to have a partner in life to share my/our life/lives. I wonder if, when it will come? I just dont trust myself with the choosing of guys... so one of my new rules is that he must pass the test of my friends interviews. If they say go for it... then I might consider him. My problem is that I have nothing to go by. My dad died when was 14. Mum hasnt had any guy that has been a good role model for me. Looking back, I have always been afraid that no one would want me so perhaps I just grabbed anything that was offered instead of making an intelligent choice. Hmmm... it really makes me think about my life. It makes me think of how much of an influence confidence in yourself plays such an important role in life choices. When you feel good about yourself, you know what you deserve and what you dont. You know where you want to go and what you want to do. Why has it taken me this long to figure it out!!!! I feel like I have been emotionally disable. It helps me realise why I have made such huge mistakes in my life.
Now I realise this... I hope that I make the right choices in future... which I already am in ways. For example, I am going to uni. When I was in year 11, one reason I dropped out was that I was so fearful of letting my mum down if I failed... well what a let down that was with dropping out!!!! Thanks to Katrina and working at the school, has helped me gain so much confidence. The teachers and principal Kathy Roman, they all helped me grow in so many ways. How do you thank them? How can you? Helping someone find confidence, personal growth, develop self esteem... its what I want to give back to my students one day. I want to help them see what they can be, what potential they have.
That is one thing I learnt last year at uni. I already knew that each child has potential... but that it is life long. That the seeds you sow now... will / should come to sprout and grow, even if it is many many years later.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Saturday's Sanity
Well Reuben went to his dad's last night. I went and had dinner with mum. Before we had dinner, we went up to the Hyperdome to a craft shop called Riot. I bought some lino cutting tools to see how I go with making my own stamps. Crossing my fingers!!!! So we come back, drop by my place to pick up Gypsy because she loves going to Grandma's on a Friday night. We have dinner, mum washes up while I try to install her programs. The darn program wouldnt work some strange reason!!!! Other programs that should work in 98 worked on her xp but not this one for recipes. By 8pm I had had enough so Gypsy and I came home.
It rained most of yesterday, hard drenching rain. We really need it though. I love the sound of rain. Reuben, Adam and Damien were playing in the rain for about an hour yesterday. They had a ball. They were soaked and loved it. Reuben instigated it. He said "Lets collect the rain and send it to the government for testing!" He got jars, containers, and plastic bags. It was raining so hard that the water in the gutter was almost half on the road. They were splashing, yelling and having so much fun. It was great to see them really enjoying life. Thats what its all about... not sitting inside playing a playstation. I hope that I can get Reuben outside more this year.
Today, Saturday, well its still raining and by the look of it its been raining all night. Doris and I havent walked today because yesterday the park was sloshy and when I took Mum to have a look at it after picking Gypsy up it was underwater.
Doris, Allison and I are going to DFO. The big discount place near the Airport of Brisbane. They have been before but I havent. When I said that I hadnt been and would love to go, Doris said she would take me. Katrina's not coming. She wants to paint her toilet. She also said last night that she didnt want to walk around alot. Interesting.
Tomorrow, I have planned to see The Family Stone with Doris and Allison. Katrina is not sure if she will go.
Well thats the update for now.
Quote for today:
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
- Benjamin Disraeli
It rained most of yesterday, hard drenching rain. We really need it though. I love the sound of rain. Reuben, Adam and Damien were playing in the rain for about an hour yesterday. They had a ball. They were soaked and loved it. Reuben instigated it. He said "Lets collect the rain and send it to the government for testing!" He got jars, containers, and plastic bags. It was raining so hard that the water in the gutter was almost half on the road. They were splashing, yelling and having so much fun. It was great to see them really enjoying life. Thats what its all about... not sitting inside playing a playstation. I hope that I can get Reuben outside more this year.
Today, Saturday, well its still raining and by the look of it its been raining all night. Doris and I havent walked today because yesterday the park was sloshy and when I took Mum to have a look at it after picking Gypsy up it was underwater.
Doris, Allison and I are going to DFO. The big discount place near the Airport of Brisbane. They have been before but I havent. When I said that I hadnt been and would love to go, Doris said she would take me. Katrina's not coming. She wants to paint her toilet. She also said last night that she didnt want to walk around alot. Interesting.
Tomorrow, I have planned to see The Family Stone with Doris and Allison. Katrina is not sure if she will go.
Well thats the update for now.
Quote for today:
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Thursday, January 19, 2006
This is my girl. She loves to sniff everything in sight when we go for a walk. She has her lead on her because she gets it in her head that she is the boss and she can go anywhere she likes. When she starts thinking like that she wont listen to me or come when I call her. She's a little buggar some times but I love her to bits.

A Boy and His Rat!

I love this photo!!!

News report on Sophie's death.
AUSTRALIAN television actress Sophie Heathcote has died in the American state of Connecticut, reportedly from an aneurism. The actress, who died yesterday, was also believed to have been suffering from skin cancer.
Melbourne-born Heathcote, 33, appeared in television shows including A Country Practice, Water Rats and Raw FM. Her theatre work included playing the lead role of Jennifer in the Melbourne Theatre Company's 1998 production of The Misanthrope, directed by Simon Phillips.
A NIDA graduate, Heathcote's final TV role was in 2001, in the ABC political satire Grass Roots, in which she played councillor Biddy Marchant in an AFI-winning performance.
She retired from acting in 2001 to concentrate on her all-natural skin care range, Ki, which she founded in 1998. It was voted by Marie Claire magazine as product of the year in 2000. But in 2002, Heathcote sold her product ingredients to a French company.
In 2003, Heathcote and her husband, advertising agency chief Chris Clarke, established the annual Celebration of Life neonatal unit fundraiser for the Royal Children's Hospital after staff saved the life of their first child, Madeleine. The event raised $500,000 in its first year.
The couple moved to the US last year, basing themselves in New York. Heathcote is survived by her husband, daughter, and a 16-month-old son.
Melbourne-born Heathcote, 33, appeared in television shows including A Country Practice, Water Rats and Raw FM. Her theatre work included playing the lead role of Jennifer in the Melbourne Theatre Company's 1998 production of The Misanthrope, directed by Simon Phillips.
A NIDA graduate, Heathcote's final TV role was in 2001, in the ABC political satire Grass Roots, in which she played councillor Biddy Marchant in an AFI-winning performance.
She retired from acting in 2001 to concentrate on her all-natural skin care range, Ki, which she founded in 1998. It was voted by Marie Claire magazine as product of the year in 2000. But in 2002, Heathcote sold her product ingredients to a French company.
In 2003, Heathcote and her husband, advertising agency chief Chris Clarke, established the annual Celebration of Life neonatal unit fundraiser for the Royal Children's Hospital after staff saved the life of their first child, Madeleine. The event raised $500,000 in its first year.
The couple moved to the US last year, basing themselves in New York. Heathcote is survived by her husband, daughter, and a 16-month-old son.
Aussie ex soap star dies

Wednesday's Quote
I am going to put a quote in my blog each day.
Democritus, (460?-370? BC)
Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.
I think this is so true. Getting my new car didnt make me any happier. It was exciting to have a new car, it as made my life easier and I am always grateful for it especially when I can help someone with it but it hasnt made me happier!!!!
Helping friends has made me happy. Doing a random act of kindness has made me happy. Listening to my son talk about Harry Potter has made me happy. Watching the ducks in the afternoon at the park has made me happy. I dont need a lot in this life to be happy.
Democritus, (460?-370? BC)
Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.
I think this is so true. Getting my new car didnt make me any happier. It was exciting to have a new car, it as made my life easier and I am always grateful for it especially when I can help someone with it but it hasnt made me happier!!!!
Helping friends has made me happy. Doing a random act of kindness has made me happy. Listening to my son talk about Harry Potter has made me happy. Watching the ducks in the afternoon at the park has made me happy. I dont need a lot in this life to be happy.
Another Day!
Up at 5am this morning, cup of tea, brushed hair, checked email, out the door, in car, drive less than 5 mins to park. Meet Doris. Walk and talk!!! The hour goes so fast and I really enjoy it. The best thing is that Doris and I are getting to know each other more and more.
More later... (hopefully!).
More later... (hopefully!).
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Wednesdays Words
Well here I am on my laptop. My desktop is having a holiday at Harvey Norman's getting a new cd rom drive. It has worked hard for 3 years and deserves a break!!!!
Im so glad that my brother gave me the modem router for christmas. Thank god I have another computer or I would be having IT dee tees!!!! I may not be addicted to drugs... smoking, alcohol or work... but boy this is what Im addicted to. The computer and internet.
Drove to Harvey Norman at Mt Gravatt about 25 mins away. Apparently it is a 3 week turn around at Loganholme (5 mins away) and at Mt G. its only 5 days. It is worth the drive!
Will blog more later...
Im so glad that my brother gave me the modem router for christmas. Thank god I have another computer or I would be having IT dee tees!!!! I may not be addicted to drugs... smoking, alcohol or work... but boy this is what Im addicted to. The computer and internet.
Drove to Harvey Norman at Mt Gravatt about 25 mins away. Apparently it is a 3 week turn around at Loganholme (5 mins away) and at Mt G. its only 5 days. It is worth the drive!
Will blog more later...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Shelley Winters dies.
Shelley Winters, two-time Oscar winner, dies at 85
By Los Angeles Times and The New York Times
LOS ANGELES — Shelley Winters, 85, a blond bombshell of the 1940s who evolved into a character actress best known for her roles as victims, shrews and matrons, died Saturday.
Miss Winters, the first actress to win two Oscars in the best-supporting category, died Saturday of heart failure at The Rehabilitation Centre of Beverly Hills, her publicist Dale Olson said. She was hospitalized in October after a heart attack.
A major movie presence for more than 50 years, Miss Winters turned herself from a self-described "dumb blond bombshell" in B pictures to a widely respected actress who was nominated four times for Academy Awards.
Her first Oscar, for best supporting actress, was for her performance in "The Diary of Anne Frank" (1959) as the middle-age Mrs. Van Daan, one of eight Dutch Jews hiding from the Nazis in an attic.
She won again for best supporting actress as Rose-Ann D'Arcy, the abusive mother who tries to turn her blind daughter into a prostitute in "A Patch of Blue" (1965).
The actress donated the first Oscar statuette to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.
After a series of bit parts, Miss Winters received her first big break as the waitress who was strangled by Ronald Colman's jealous actor in "A Double Life" in 1947.
Four years later, she dyed her hair brown, rubbed the polish off her fingernails and convinced director George Stevens she could play the mousy factory girl who was made pregnant and then drowned by Montgomery Clift so he could marry the rich Elizabeth Taylor in "A Place in the Sun." She was nominated for an Oscar as best actress for that performance.
Vulnerable characters
Tough-talking and oozing sex appeal, Miss Winters was blowzy, vulgar and often pathetically vulnerable in her early films. In movie after movie, she played working-class women who were violently discarded by men who had used them.
When her gullible waitress couldn't lead the "preacher" to a cache of stolen money in "The Night of the Hunter" (1955), he slit her throat.
As a rich man's poor mistress in "The Great Gatsby" (1949), she was casually run over by her lover's wife.
In Stanley Kubrick's "Lolita" (1962), James Mason married her to get close to her young daughter; when she finds this out she runs in front of a car and is killed.
Even when she became the dominating force in many of her later movies, Miss Winters often played vulnerable monsters. As Ma Barker in the 1970 cult classic "Bloody Mama" — in which she is first seen giving her four grown sons their Saturday-night baths — she was murderously maternal while brandishing a tommy gun.
Pauline Kael, writing in The New Yorker about Miss Winters' performance as the "hysteric on the loose" mother in Paul Mazursky's "Next Stop, Greenwich Village" (1976), said: "With her twinkly goo-goo eyes and flirty grin, [she's)] a mother hippo charging — not at her son's enemies but at him. Fat, morose, irrepressible, she's a force that would strike terror to anyone's heart, yet in some abominable way she's likable."
Food and men
Off screen, Miss Winters lived with an equal gusto, which she captured in her best-selling 1980 autobiography, "Shelley, Also Known as Shirley," and in a second book, in 1989, "Shelley II: In the Middle of My Century."
With a hearty appetite for food and men, she was not hesitant about naming the actors with whom she had shared a bed, including Sean Connery, Marlon Brando, Errol Flynn, Farley Granger, Sterling Hayden, William Holden and Burt Lancaster.
Miss Winters and Holden had a "Same Time, Next Year" relationship, meeting in his Paramount dressing room on Christmas Eve for five years. She wrote that despite their intimacy, they continued to refer to each other as "Mr. Holden" and "Miss Winters," and when they met on the set of the 1981 film "S.O.B.," she said, "Hello, Mr. Holden." He smiled and replied, "Shelley, after your book, I think you should call me Bill."
Her two-year relationship with Lancaster was more serious. She ended the affair when the actor's wife became pregnant with his third child.
Miss Winters said she was a "role model" for Marilyn Monroe. When, as young actresses, they shared a Hollywood apartment, she taught Monroe the sexy, lips-apart look for which Monroe became famous, Miss Winters said.
She was born Shirley Schrift in St. Louis. Although most sources give her birth date as Aug. 18, 1922, she told Variety's Army Archerd in 2004 that she had lied to studio head Harry Cohn when she signed with Columbia Pictures and was born two years earlier.
Her stage name came from the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and from her mother, Rose Winter, an amateur soprano who had once won a Municipal Opera contest in St. Louis.
Her father, like many immigrants in the early 20th century, came to the United States in steerage. Her mother, a first-generation American, was born in St. Louis. The Schrifts soon moved to Brooklyn, where Miss Winters grew up.
When her father went to prison for arson (he was exonerated later), 9-year-old Shirley retreated into a fantasy world that, Miss Winters wrote, "has been a powerful tool in my acting" but "used to play hell with my real life."
As a teenager, wearing high heels borrowed from her older sister, and with six powder puffs stuffed into her bra, she auditioned during a nationwide search for an actress to play Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind."
Taking Cukor's advice
Director George Cukor was kind. Go to acting school, he told her, and become known on the New York stage. She took his advice. Less than a decade later, Cukor cast her as the sexy waitress who serves more than dinner in "A Double Life."
As a Columbia Pictures contract player earning $100 a week, Miss Winters made her 1943 film debut with one line in "What a Woman!" She took acting lessons at the studio, joined the Actor's Lab to study acting at night and eventually became a teacher at the Actors Studio.
During the 1960s, Miss Winters found her métier as a character actress. In addition to her Oscar-winning roles, she played the mother of a murderer in "The Young Savages" (1961); a middle-age woman who throws away a happy marriage for a handsome young man in "The Chapman Report" (1962); and Michael Caine's voracious bedmate in "Alfie" (1966).
Winters' fourth and last Oscar nomination came in 1972, for her supporting role in "The Poseidon Adventure."
She played a former swimming champion who sacrifices her life to help save fellow passengers on a doomed ship. By then, she had put on a good deal of weight, and following a scene in which her character must swim frantically, she charmed audiences with the line: "In the water I'm a very skinny lady."
Acknowledging the film's rich potential for parody, she appeared on "The Flip Wilson Show" in a skit set in a fast-flooding laundromat. She led the cast in a daring escape through a washing-machine hatch.
An early marriage during World War II to Army Air Force Capt. Paul Mayer lasted until the war ended. Miss Winters married Italian actor Vittorio Gassman in 1952. The couple divorced in 1954 after the birth of her daughter and only child, Vittoria Gassman, now a physician in Connecticut. In 1957, Miss Winters married Anthony Franciosa, her co-star on Broadway in "A Hatful of Rain." That marriage ended in 1960.
Miss Winters is survived by her companion of 19 years, Jerry DeFord; her daughter; and two grandchildren.
By Los Angeles Times and The New York Times
LOS ANGELES — Shelley Winters, 85, a blond bombshell of the 1940s who evolved into a character actress best known for her roles as victims, shrews and matrons, died Saturday.
Miss Winters, the first actress to win two Oscars in the best-supporting category, died Saturday of heart failure at The Rehabilitation Centre of Beverly Hills, her publicist Dale Olson said. She was hospitalized in October after a heart attack.
A major movie presence for more than 50 years, Miss Winters turned herself from a self-described "dumb blond bombshell" in B pictures to a widely respected actress who was nominated four times for Academy Awards.
Her first Oscar, for best supporting actress, was for her performance in "The Diary of Anne Frank" (1959) as the middle-age Mrs. Van Daan, one of eight Dutch Jews hiding from the Nazis in an attic.
She won again for best supporting actress as Rose-Ann D'Arcy, the abusive mother who tries to turn her blind daughter into a prostitute in "A Patch of Blue" (1965).
The actress donated the first Oscar statuette to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.
After a series of bit parts, Miss Winters received her first big break as the waitress who was strangled by Ronald Colman's jealous actor in "A Double Life" in 1947.
Four years later, she dyed her hair brown, rubbed the polish off her fingernails and convinced director George Stevens she could play the mousy factory girl who was made pregnant and then drowned by Montgomery Clift so he could marry the rich Elizabeth Taylor in "A Place in the Sun." She was nominated for an Oscar as best actress for that performance.
Vulnerable characters
Tough-talking and oozing sex appeal, Miss Winters was blowzy, vulgar and often pathetically vulnerable in her early films. In movie after movie, she played working-class women who were violently discarded by men who had used them.
When her gullible waitress couldn't lead the "preacher" to a cache of stolen money in "The Night of the Hunter" (1955), he slit her throat.
As a rich man's poor mistress in "The Great Gatsby" (1949), she was casually run over by her lover's wife.
In Stanley Kubrick's "Lolita" (1962), James Mason married her to get close to her young daughter; when she finds this out she runs in front of a car and is killed.
Even when she became the dominating force in many of her later movies, Miss Winters often played vulnerable monsters. As Ma Barker in the 1970 cult classic "Bloody Mama" — in which she is first seen giving her four grown sons their Saturday-night baths — she was murderously maternal while brandishing a tommy gun.
Pauline Kael, writing in The New Yorker about Miss Winters' performance as the "hysteric on the loose" mother in Paul Mazursky's "Next Stop, Greenwich Village" (1976), said: "With her twinkly goo-goo eyes and flirty grin, [she's)] a mother hippo charging — not at her son's enemies but at him. Fat, morose, irrepressible, she's a force that would strike terror to anyone's heart, yet in some abominable way she's likable."
Food and men
Off screen, Miss Winters lived with an equal gusto, which she captured in her best-selling 1980 autobiography, "Shelley, Also Known as Shirley," and in a second book, in 1989, "Shelley II: In the Middle of My Century."
With a hearty appetite for food and men, she was not hesitant about naming the actors with whom she had shared a bed, including Sean Connery, Marlon Brando, Errol Flynn, Farley Granger, Sterling Hayden, William Holden and Burt Lancaster.
Miss Winters and Holden had a "Same Time, Next Year" relationship, meeting in his Paramount dressing room on Christmas Eve for five years. She wrote that despite their intimacy, they continued to refer to each other as "Mr. Holden" and "Miss Winters," and when they met on the set of the 1981 film "S.O.B.," she said, "Hello, Mr. Holden." He smiled and replied, "Shelley, after your book, I think you should call me Bill."
Her two-year relationship with Lancaster was more serious. She ended the affair when the actor's wife became pregnant with his third child.
Miss Winters said she was a "role model" for Marilyn Monroe. When, as young actresses, they shared a Hollywood apartment, she taught Monroe the sexy, lips-apart look for which Monroe became famous, Miss Winters said.
She was born Shirley Schrift in St. Louis. Although most sources give her birth date as Aug. 18, 1922, she told Variety's Army Archerd in 2004 that she had lied to studio head Harry Cohn when she signed with Columbia Pictures and was born two years earlier.
Her stage name came from the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and from her mother, Rose Winter, an amateur soprano who had once won a Municipal Opera contest in St. Louis.
Her father, like many immigrants in the early 20th century, came to the United States in steerage. Her mother, a first-generation American, was born in St. Louis. The Schrifts soon moved to Brooklyn, where Miss Winters grew up.
When her father went to prison for arson (he was exonerated later), 9-year-old Shirley retreated into a fantasy world that, Miss Winters wrote, "has been a powerful tool in my acting" but "used to play hell with my real life."
As a teenager, wearing high heels borrowed from her older sister, and with six powder puffs stuffed into her bra, she auditioned during a nationwide search for an actress to play Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind."
Taking Cukor's advice
Director George Cukor was kind. Go to acting school, he told her, and become known on the New York stage. She took his advice. Less than a decade later, Cukor cast her as the sexy waitress who serves more than dinner in "A Double Life."
As a Columbia Pictures contract player earning $100 a week, Miss Winters made her 1943 film debut with one line in "What a Woman!" She took acting lessons at the studio, joined the Actor's Lab to study acting at night and eventually became a teacher at the Actors Studio.
During the 1960s, Miss Winters found her métier as a character actress. In addition to her Oscar-winning roles, she played the mother of a murderer in "The Young Savages" (1961); a middle-age woman who throws away a happy marriage for a handsome young man in "The Chapman Report" (1962); and Michael Caine's voracious bedmate in "Alfie" (1966).
Winters' fourth and last Oscar nomination came in 1972, for her supporting role in "The Poseidon Adventure."
She played a former swimming champion who sacrifices her life to help save fellow passengers on a doomed ship. By then, she had put on a good deal of weight, and following a scene in which her character must swim frantically, she charmed audiences with the line: "In the water I'm a very skinny lady."
Acknowledging the film's rich potential for parody, she appeared on "The Flip Wilson Show" in a skit set in a fast-flooding laundromat. She led the cast in a daring escape through a washing-machine hatch.
An early marriage during World War II to Army Air Force Capt. Paul Mayer lasted until the war ended. Miss Winters married Italian actor Vittorio Gassman in 1952. The couple divorced in 1954 after the birth of her daughter and only child, Vittoria Gassman, now a physician in Connecticut. In 1957, Miss Winters married Anthony Franciosa, her co-star on Broadway in "A Hatful of Rain." That marriage ended in 1960.
Miss Winters is survived by her companion of 19 years, Jerry DeFord; her daughter; and two grandchildren.
An "A- HA" moment!
Yesterday while in the shower (where I do much of my deep thinking!!!) I had an " A HA " moment. As I have grown older I have always thought that mum always sent me off to my dads mum (my Nanna) for the holidays because she didnt really want me around during the holidays. She would always say... "Kimma you just dont know how much longer you have with you Nanna!" Of course this would get me in and I would go. As an adult I have resented that Mum didnt want me to stay with her. I have never talked about it with mum and probably never will. The moment came when I felt saddened that Mum's grandchildren really dont want to spend time with her, my children included. It suddenly occured to me that Mum may have not wanted me there so she wouldnt have to worry about me so she could go out clubbing and drinking but in fact she deepened and cemented my relationship with my Nanna. I dont know why it is right now that I have this A HA moment, but life is a journey!!! All I know is that I loved my Nanna and if I could turn back time I would have spent so much more time with her. Its sad that its when you become an adult, mum and then more mature that you realise the importance of the little things.
Now I try to spend time with mum, even tho she drives me nuts some times but I know that one day... I will treasure the small moments we have had together.
Im so thankful that she has come up to Qld. It is like a 2nd chance to get to know each other again. Except this time we are on an equal footing. Having said that, its taken me a few months to work things out about the new "us" relationship. I have also had to put some boundaries up and not feel like I have to jump because Mum says. For example, ringing early in the morning especially when Im going to uni and getting Reuben ready for school. Well its going really smoothly at the moment. We have dinner together at her place every friday night, which is very enjoyable. She has quit smoking and drinking. This is awesome!!! She is a different person, an enjoyable person to be around when she isnt drinking.
This is a moment that I will scrapbook!!! Eventually!
Now I try to spend time with mum, even tho she drives me nuts some times but I know that one day... I will treasure the small moments we have had together.
Im so thankful that she has come up to Qld. It is like a 2nd chance to get to know each other again. Except this time we are on an equal footing. Having said that, its taken me a few months to work things out about the new "us" relationship. I have also had to put some boundaries up and not feel like I have to jump because Mum says. For example, ringing early in the morning especially when Im going to uni and getting Reuben ready for school. Well its going really smoothly at the moment. We have dinner together at her place every friday night, which is very enjoyable. She has quit smoking and drinking. This is awesome!!! She is a different person, an enjoyable person to be around when she isnt drinking.
This is a moment that I will scrapbook!!! Eventually!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Journaling... Why?
Journaling OVERVIEW
Journaling is a simple and effective tool that allows you to develop a greater understanding of who you are, how you came to be the way that you are, and what direction you want to head.
It connects you to your experiences -- both the mundane and the extraordinary. Life is a learning process, but how can we learn if we are disconnected from ourselves?
Journaling can guide, inspire and heal.
Key benefits of journaling:
· It can be a form of meditation
· Provides an outlet for pent up emotions
· Gives dreams and ideas a place to grow and be respected
· Allows you to gain clarity as you sort through the constant deluge of daily life
· Insights emerge as you deal with your issues honestly in the privacy of your journal :
Starting a journal can be intimidating. All of those blank pages staring at you -- where do you start? Five starting thoughts: ·
"Today, I am grateful for…" ·
"Right now, I am feeling…" ·
"One way to lighten my life would be to…" ·
"Three things I know to be true are…" ·
"I have faith that…" ·
"My life is lacking…"
Journaling ideas if you ever get stuck on a blank page:
· Start with a quote that provokes thought
· Write about an image you saw -- artwork, a photograph, a gesture observed
· Write about your feelings on a certain event, idea or person
· Include newspaper clippings and photos
· Write about a change in your life and how you dealt with it
· List five ways that an experience affected you positively
If you had five different lives to live, what would they be? An artist, a doctor, a teacher, a photojournalist? No holding back! What does your dream life look like? Collect photos or anything that has to with your dream and put them in your journal. Visualizing your dreams is an effective tool for making it happen!
Make your goals and dreams happen:
· What decisions have brought you to where you are today?
· Where do you want to go from here?
· The hardest decision?
· The biggest breakthrough?
· The biggest challenge?
· What do these experiences teach you about yourself?
What are your goals in these arenas:
· Career
· Relationship
· Physical
· Spiritual :
TIPS Blank page still making you hesitate? Fill it up!
· Paste in a copy of an email or letter you wrote to someone
· Paste in a newspaper clipping
· Press a flower
· Paste in a photo
· Paste in a postmarked stamp
· Write the lyrics of your favorite song
· Copy in a poem
· Paste in a postcard
· Sketch, doodle, stamp, collage Scribble with crayon, then paint over with watercolor.
Whatever you write will look cool regardless of what is says! Get your hands on a rubber stamp alphabet set. Use the letters to date the top of your journal entry or to stamp in something short. Write freely. Don't worry about spelling or grammar. Don't worry about smudged ink or cross-outs -- your journal is for you and you alone. You may share it with someone later, but when you are writing, write it for yourself. Don't write to impress anyone. Be true to yourself. Find time! Bring your journal along with you wherever you go. You'd be amazed at how much "extra" time we have in our busy lives. :
Meditation/Prayer Journal: Keep inspirational quotes in this journal and a record of specific prayers or meditations. Think of this journal as a place to seek guidance and answers from your higher power and as a daily record of what God is doing in your life.
Travel Journal:
Writing as you travel will capture as much and even more of the essence of your trip than just photographs. Write during layovers, on a bus, or at the day's end. Paste or write in your itinerary. Bring along an envelope to collect ticket stubs, pamphlets, programs, brochures, postcards, etc.
Quote Journal:
Collect your favorite quotes in a journal dedicated solely for this purpose. Don't forget to write where you got it from, as you may want to go back to that book again!
Grief and Healing Journal:
Use a journal to help you during an illness or the death of a loved one. So many emotions and issues come to the surface we deal with the mortality of being human. Journaling can help you cope with an illness or with a death of a loved one. Use it as a tool to find the beautiful things in life when things look so bleak. If you have lost a loved one, a grief and healing journal can be used to maintain "communication" with him or her. On birthdays or anniversaries of his or her death, write to that person and describe how the past year has gone. Dream Journal: Keep this journal by your bed and write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Dreams can be very telling of how we feel about current situations. Or sometimes, they are so bizarre that you just have to write them down!
Remember: You can never journal wrong. Your journal is whatever you want or need it to be. The way will open ...
Journaling is a simple and effective tool that allows you to develop a greater understanding of who you are, how you came to be the way that you are, and what direction you want to head.
It connects you to your experiences -- both the mundane and the extraordinary. Life is a learning process, but how can we learn if we are disconnected from ourselves?
Journaling can guide, inspire and heal.
Key benefits of journaling:
· It can be a form of meditation
· Provides an outlet for pent up emotions
· Gives dreams and ideas a place to grow and be respected
· Allows you to gain clarity as you sort through the constant deluge of daily life
· Insights emerge as you deal with your issues honestly in the privacy of your journal :
Starting a journal can be intimidating. All of those blank pages staring at you -- where do you start? Five starting thoughts: ·
"Today, I am grateful for…" ·
"Right now, I am feeling…" ·
"One way to lighten my life would be to…" ·
"Three things I know to be true are…" ·
"I have faith that…" ·
"My life is lacking…"
Journaling ideas if you ever get stuck on a blank page:
· Start with a quote that provokes thought
· Write about an image you saw -- artwork, a photograph, a gesture observed
· Write about your feelings on a certain event, idea or person
· Include newspaper clippings and photos
· Write about a change in your life and how you dealt with it
· List five ways that an experience affected you positively
If you had five different lives to live, what would they be? An artist, a doctor, a teacher, a photojournalist? No holding back! What does your dream life look like? Collect photos or anything that has to with your dream and put them in your journal. Visualizing your dreams is an effective tool for making it happen!
Make your goals and dreams happen:
· What decisions have brought you to where you are today?
· Where do you want to go from here?
· The hardest decision?
· The biggest breakthrough?
· The biggest challenge?
· What do these experiences teach you about yourself?
What are your goals in these arenas:
· Career
· Relationship
· Physical
· Spiritual :
TIPS Blank page still making you hesitate? Fill it up!
· Paste in a copy of an email or letter you wrote to someone
· Paste in a newspaper clipping
· Press a flower
· Paste in a photo
· Paste in a postmarked stamp
· Write the lyrics of your favorite song
· Copy in a poem
· Paste in a postcard
· Sketch, doodle, stamp, collage Scribble with crayon, then paint over with watercolor.
Whatever you write will look cool regardless of what is says! Get your hands on a rubber stamp alphabet set. Use the letters to date the top of your journal entry or to stamp in something short. Write freely. Don't worry about spelling or grammar. Don't worry about smudged ink or cross-outs -- your journal is for you and you alone. You may share it with someone later, but when you are writing, write it for yourself. Don't write to impress anyone. Be true to yourself. Find time! Bring your journal along with you wherever you go. You'd be amazed at how much "extra" time we have in our busy lives. :
Meditation/Prayer Journal: Keep inspirational quotes in this journal and a record of specific prayers or meditations. Think of this journal as a place to seek guidance and answers from your higher power and as a daily record of what God is doing in your life.
Travel Journal:
Writing as you travel will capture as much and even more of the essence of your trip than just photographs. Write during layovers, on a bus, or at the day's end. Paste or write in your itinerary. Bring along an envelope to collect ticket stubs, pamphlets, programs, brochures, postcards, etc.
Quote Journal:
Collect your favorite quotes in a journal dedicated solely for this purpose. Don't forget to write where you got it from, as you may want to go back to that book again!
Grief and Healing Journal:
Use a journal to help you during an illness or the death of a loved one. So many emotions and issues come to the surface we deal with the mortality of being human. Journaling can help you cope with an illness or with a death of a loved one. Use it as a tool to find the beautiful things in life when things look so bleak. If you have lost a loved one, a grief and healing journal can be used to maintain "communication" with him or her. On birthdays or anniversaries of his or her death, write to that person and describe how the past year has gone. Dream Journal: Keep this journal by your bed and write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Dreams can be very telling of how we feel about current situations. Or sometimes, they are so bizarre that you just have to write them down!
Remember: You can never journal wrong. Your journal is whatever you want or need it to be. The way will open ...
Monday, January 09, 2006
Inspiration to Blog!
After reading Rachel Richter's blog I have decided to copy one of her tags.
Getting to Know Me!
2 names you go by: Kimmy and Kimmo, I prefer Kimba.
2 parts of your heritage: aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi!
2 things that scare you: Snakes and waking up to a fire.
2 of your everyday essentials: A cup of tea first thing in the morning. Checking my emails first thing in the morning and when I get home.
2 things you are wearing right now: 2 different earings, one stud and one ring. My new glasses for reading.
2 of your favourite bands or musical artists (at the moment): Missy Higgins and Kelly Clarkson.
2 favourite songs at the moment: Scar by Missy Higgins because it helps remind me how ppl want to change me but I have to just be me. I am also loving Photograph by Nickelback. I love it.
2 things you want in a relationship (other than real love): friendship and honesty but ultimately, back rubs.
2 truths: I worry too much. I am very messy!
2 physical things that appeal to you in the opposite sex: Eyes and chest.
2 of your favourite hobbies: SCRAPBOOKING and stamping.
2 things you want really badly: To get to goal weight. To finish uni.
2 places you want to go on vacation: Tasmania and New Zealand.
2 things you want to do before you die: teach in a 3rd world country and understand myself.
2 wasy that you are stereotypically a chick: I dont think I do anything that is stereotypical... I guess I like flowers and occasionally wear pink. I do prefer blues to wear and dont like wearing skirts and will never wear a dress!
2 things that you are thinking about now: I must go for a walk and washing the breakfast dishes.
2 stores you shop at: Coles and Millars
2 people I would like to see take this quiz: Allyson and Katrina.
Getting to Know Me!
2 names you go by: Kimmy and Kimmo, I prefer Kimba.
2 parts of your heritage: aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi!
2 things that scare you: Snakes and waking up to a fire.
2 of your everyday essentials: A cup of tea first thing in the morning. Checking my emails first thing in the morning and when I get home.
2 things you are wearing right now: 2 different earings, one stud and one ring. My new glasses for reading.
2 of your favourite bands or musical artists (at the moment): Missy Higgins and Kelly Clarkson.
2 favourite songs at the moment: Scar by Missy Higgins because it helps remind me how ppl want to change me but I have to just be me. I am also loving Photograph by Nickelback. I love it.
2 things you want in a relationship (other than real love): friendship and honesty but ultimately, back rubs.
2 truths: I worry too much. I am very messy!
2 physical things that appeal to you in the opposite sex: Eyes and chest.
2 of your favourite hobbies: SCRAPBOOKING and stamping.
2 things you want really badly: To get to goal weight. To finish uni.
2 places you want to go on vacation: Tasmania and New Zealand.
2 things you want to do before you die: teach in a 3rd world country and understand myself.
2 wasy that you are stereotypically a chick: I dont think I do anything that is stereotypical... I guess I like flowers and occasionally wear pink. I do prefer blues to wear and dont like wearing skirts and will never wear a dress!
2 things that you are thinking about now: I must go for a walk and washing the breakfast dishes.
2 stores you shop at: Coles and Millars
2 people I would like to see take this quiz: Allyson and Katrina.
News for Qld
Shark attack at Stradbroke.
A search for the shark pack which mauled a 21-year-old woman to death in Queensland's south-east has been unsuccessful.
Up to three sharks savaged Sarah Kate Whiley while she was swimming with friends at Amity Point, off Queensland's North Stradbroke Island, about 5.30pm (AEST) Saturday.
Within seconds they had torn off both Ms Whiley's arms and severely lacerated her torso and legs.
The vicious shark death was the first to occur at a beach protected by Queensland's Shark Safety Program since it began 44 years ago, Acting Premier Anna Bligh said.
Jellyfish sting kills girl in Qld
Monday Jan 9 06:54 AEDT
A jellyfish has killed a seven-year-old girl in Queensland's third ocean fatality since Friday.
The girl was swimming at Umagico Beach near Bamaga, 40km from Cape York Peninsula's most northern point, when she was stung at 12.30pm (AEST) on Sunday.
"The girl was stung and came out of the water and collapsed," a police spokeswoman said. "Paramedics arrived and performed CPR but her pulse didn't register," she said. The girl was taken to Bamaga Hospital where she was pronounced dead soon after, she said.
It is not known what type of jellyfish stung her.
She was with family when the incident occurred, police said.
A search for the shark pack which mauled a 21-year-old woman to death in Queensland's south-east has been unsuccessful.
Up to three sharks savaged Sarah Kate Whiley while she was swimming with friends at Amity Point, off Queensland's North Stradbroke Island, about 5.30pm (AEST) Saturday.
Within seconds they had torn off both Ms Whiley's arms and severely lacerated her torso and legs.
The vicious shark death was the first to occur at a beach protected by Queensland's Shark Safety Program since it began 44 years ago, Acting Premier Anna Bligh said.
Jellyfish sting kills girl in Qld
Monday Jan 9 06:54 AEDT
A jellyfish has killed a seven-year-old girl in Queensland's third ocean fatality since Friday.
The girl was swimming at Umagico Beach near Bamaga, 40km from Cape York Peninsula's most northern point, when she was stung at 12.30pm (AEST) on Sunday.
"The girl was stung and came out of the water and collapsed," a police spokeswoman said. "Paramedics arrived and performed CPR but her pulse didn't register," she said. The girl was taken to Bamaga Hospital where she was pronounced dead soon after, she said.
It is not known what type of jellyfish stung her.
She was with family when the incident occurred, police said.
Losing Motivation
Im really struggling this week with motivation. Ive hardly exercised this week, Ive had a few biscuits here and there and Im just not feeling like wanting to walk. I know I will like it once I go out there and start but its the starting!!! What is wrong with me!!! I think its PMS... well thats my excuse!!!
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Some interesting Links
Stamping: 10 tips for making multiple cards. Boy do I need this!
Scrapbooking: 50 tips to get organised.
Scrapbooking: 50 tips to get organised.
Sultry Saturday!
Today was humid after the huge, and I mean huge, storm last night. It wasnt very sunny, but was still warm. Today was really busy for me.
Firstly, I had to make sure Reuben could go back to Steve's (long story), so then took him over to him, then went to Alyson's to feed Pippa (the cat).
While I was down that way, I thought I'd go and have a look at the stamp/scrap shop. I bought (and I shouldnt have but what the heck!!!) a lovely little flower stamp and a hero arts tag with words set. Ive really been wanting them (tags) for ages so I just had to put myself out of my misery!!!!
I drove back to Katrina's and we had a cuppa and a chat while we decided if we should go and see a movie. So we decided we would go to the Hyperdome (shopping centre) and have some lunch and see a movie. We decided to watch "Rumour Has It" with Kevin Costner and Jenifer Anniston. It was one of the funniest movies I have watched in a long time. It had a great story line and a chick flick ending, that everything works even though life sucks and mistakes are made. After the movie we went to Muffin Break and had a cuppa, I had a Chai Latte and Katrina had a hot chocolate with marshmallows. We then went and had a look at some shops we normally wouldnt go in due to time or the fact they look too expensive! We found some great stuff for pressies. We decided to go and Katrina asked me if I would like to go with her to check on Gails pool and help her feed the dog. Well its good that I did as Katrina was freaking out. The fish tank wasnt pumping due to the loss of electricity from the storm last night and was very hot. After deciding to let it cool down we went outside to check on the pool, Katrina couldnt get the creepy crawly pump thingy working... again freaking out... I helped her get the leaves out and I played with Nugget (labrodore), throwing him his toy duck. It was then that I saw the tree had fallen over in the back yard and had knocked a few palings from the fence. Katrina was freaking out about another dog getting in or Nugget getting out. Finally, the creepy crawly worked, the fish pumped worked and we tried to fix the fence. Me... I would have left the fence!!! LOL but Katrina is such a great house minder she had to make sure it was secure. It was so good spending time with her. No matter what we do it always works out to be fun. After we checked the house for dampness as it smelt musky but could find none we left. I took Katrina home and came home. Boy what a day.
Now Im making some tags for ebay. I made 2 sets last week and both have sold. I am amazed, I think they were cheap but it was more of an experiment than anything. The money that I make Im going to put in a little bag and when I have enough Im going to buy a stamp. Hopefully they will keep selling and that will keep my creative juices flowing.
bye for now,
Firstly, I had to make sure Reuben could go back to Steve's (long story), so then took him over to him, then went to Alyson's to feed Pippa (the cat).
While I was down that way, I thought I'd go and have a look at the stamp/scrap shop. I bought (and I shouldnt have but what the heck!!!) a lovely little flower stamp and a hero arts tag with words set. Ive really been wanting them (tags) for ages so I just had to put myself out of my misery!!!!
I drove back to Katrina's and we had a cuppa and a chat while we decided if we should go and see a movie. So we decided we would go to the Hyperdome (shopping centre) and have some lunch and see a movie. We decided to watch "Rumour Has It" with Kevin Costner and Jenifer Anniston. It was one of the funniest movies I have watched in a long time. It had a great story line and a chick flick ending, that everything works even though life sucks and mistakes are made. After the movie we went to Muffin Break and had a cuppa, I had a Chai Latte and Katrina had a hot chocolate with marshmallows. We then went and had a look at some shops we normally wouldnt go in due to time or the fact they look too expensive! We found some great stuff for pressies. We decided to go and Katrina asked me if I would like to go with her to check on Gails pool and help her feed the dog. Well its good that I did as Katrina was freaking out. The fish tank wasnt pumping due to the loss of electricity from the storm last night and was very hot. After deciding to let it cool down we went outside to check on the pool, Katrina couldnt get the creepy crawly pump thingy working... again freaking out... I helped her get the leaves out and I played with Nugget (labrodore), throwing him his toy duck. It was then that I saw the tree had fallen over in the back yard and had knocked a few palings from the fence. Katrina was freaking out about another dog getting in or Nugget getting out. Finally, the creepy crawly worked, the fish pumped worked and we tried to fix the fence. Me... I would have left the fence!!! LOL but Katrina is such a great house minder she had to make sure it was secure. It was so good spending time with her. No matter what we do it always works out to be fun. After we checked the house for dampness as it smelt musky but could find none we left. I took Katrina home and came home. Boy what a day.
Now Im making some tags for ebay. I made 2 sets last week and both have sold. I am amazed, I think they were cheap but it was more of an experiment than anything. The money that I make Im going to put in a little bag and when I have enough Im going to buy a stamp. Hopefully they will keep selling and that will keep my creative juices flowing.
bye for now,
Friday, January 06, 2006
Freakin Friday
Well I just dont feel great. I went for a friend with Katrina and her daughter Jess. The swim and lunch was great but then I came home and felt yuck. I tried to have a sleep but it didnt help. It didnt help that Reuben was home when I came home. This is a problem as I didnt know he was home. He was at Steve's and they had a typical upset. I guess he left Reuben with Mandy... so irresponsible! Thank god Reuben had the sense to go and see grandma and get the key off her.
We are going over to my mum's for dinner tonight.
The other thing that Im mad about is that Reuben has shaved his eyebrows again... this just shows how stressed he is. Its the second time he's done this and both at Steve's. Last time I told him that if he did it again he would be not allowed to use the computer for a week. Now I have to follow it through. He almost got me though, he wanted to type out a letter to Donald Trump. I opened word for him but then suddenly remembered. He wasnt happy but took his punishment.
Anyway, thats it for now as Im just not feeling great.
Well I just dont feel great. I went for a friend with Katrina and her daughter Jess. The swim and lunch was great but then I came home and felt yuck. I tried to have a sleep but it didnt help. It didnt help that Reuben was home when I came home. This is a problem as I didnt know he was home. He was at Steve's and they had a typical upset. I guess he left Reuben with Mandy... so irresponsible! Thank god Reuben had the sense to go and see grandma and get the key off her.
We are going over to my mum's for dinner tonight.
The other thing that Im mad about is that Reuben has shaved his eyebrows again... this just shows how stressed he is. Its the second time he's done this and both at Steve's. Last time I told him that if he did it again he would be not allowed to use the computer for a week. Now I have to follow it through. He almost got me though, he wanted to type out a letter to Donald Trump. I opened word for him but then suddenly remembered. He wasnt happy but took his punishment.
Anyway, thats it for now as Im just not feeling great.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
I love this quote!
Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Another day in my world!
Today, I took my books back to the uni libary and the local libary. I always borrow way too many and then only read a few. I just dont know why I do that!!! Then went to mum's place and helped her out with a printmaster program. Its so annoying, it will run on her computer but my computer won't read it!!! I am going to take it back to Harvey Norman and make them fix it. After all thats why I got the extended warranty! Its not the first cd or cdrom that it wont read. So after getting bored with the computer and frustrated with mum, we watched a recorded show of Ghost Whisperer. I love that show!!! It made me cry. Its a very touching show!
Today, I took my books back to the uni libary and the local libary. I always borrow way too many and then only read a few. I just dont know why I do that!!! Then went to mum's place and helped her out with a printmaster program. Its so annoying, it will run on her computer but my computer won't read it!!! I am going to take it back to Harvey Norman and make them fix it. After all thats why I got the extended warranty! Its not the first cd or cdrom that it wont read. So after getting bored with the computer and frustrated with mum, we watched a recorded show of Ghost Whisperer. I love that show!!! It made me cry. Its a very touching show!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Frogs - You gotta luv em!!!

I have to say that I was a kermit fan and still am. I wish they would bring back the muppet show.

Kimba's Kommentary: January 2006
Gladstone Australia - My Debut.
Gladstone is where I was born in June 1968 but I have never seen it. My parents split up when I was 2 so have no recollection of it.
When I finish uni and have been working for a year, I want to go and visit it. Its not a major goal but I would like to see it.
I am shocked to find out it has water around it. My mum has told me about it but she never mentioned it had a port. Mum isnt a sun or water person so that explains her neglecting that information. There are some great photos of gladstone. I would love to stay there for a while and explore all its nooks and crannies.
Gladstone is where I was born in June 1968 but I have never seen it. My parents split up when I was 2 so have no recollection of it.
When I finish uni and have been working for a year, I want to go and visit it. Its not a major goal but I would like to see it.
I am shocked to find out it has water around it. My mum has told me about it but she never mentioned it had a port. Mum isnt a sun or water person so that explains her neglecting that information. There are some great photos of gladstone. I would love to stay there for a while and explore all its nooks and crannies.
Another HOT day in Qld
Yes another one!!! Will they ever end!!! Thank god for my air con!!!
I just realised that this is my first post for this year!!! Happy New Year!!!!
Christmas is finished (a huge sigh of relief) and now the next round of school supplies and uniforms. Oh joy!!! There are some great specials out there though. I just hope I can get my hot little hands on them.
Scrapbooking... well I think Im taking a holiday from it until the passion returns. However, I have a photo of myself and friend from 18 years ago here on my desk... Im leaving it there so all the memories will come back. I will scan it and post it here.
Im finding myself sad today after listening to all the bushfire stories. Nature is so destructive. It can be so beautiful like a frangipani and yet it can take so many lives.
I have put my name down in the Stamp Happy yahoogroup challenge to do 5 cards /2 months. Hopefully I will stick to it.
Well thats all for now.
I just realised that this is my first post for this year!!! Happy New Year!!!!
Christmas is finished (a huge sigh of relief) and now the next round of school supplies and uniforms. Oh joy!!! There are some great specials out there though. I just hope I can get my hot little hands on them.
Scrapbooking... well I think Im taking a holiday from it until the passion returns. However, I have a photo of myself and friend from 18 years ago here on my desk... Im leaving it there so all the memories will come back. I will scan it and post it here.
Im finding myself sad today after listening to all the bushfire stories. Nature is so destructive. It can be so beautiful like a frangipani and yet it can take so many lives.
I have put my name down in the Stamp Happy yahoogroup challenge to do 5 cards /2 months. Hopefully I will stick to it.
Well thats all for now.
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